Computerised Flexural & Compression Testing Machine |
Specification for above Computerised Flexural & Compression Testing Machine :
Computerised compression & flexural testing machine having 4 line LCD display unit which shows Actual Load, Actual Travell Distance, Maximum Load & Travell at Maximum Load
Auto stop & Auto reverse facility
Over Load & Over travell Facility
Digital display unit can save last 5 samples readings
you can do compression & flexural tests in the same machine
Single & Double Load cell available for multiple testing capacities
Imported guide rods & Linear Motion Bearings for friction less and vibration less travell.
Distance calculation through Encoader for high accuracy.
Unit selection KG, N & KN
AC/DC Vareable drive for speed variation
Software programme which show the graph for Load V/S Elongation.
Speed control through Software Programme.